Saturday, October 29, 2011

I'm Tagged

I'm Tagged

waaaa..... lamanya tak on blog niee....
Tibe² Cik.Suer kite nie ckp on la blog jawab soalan
(lebih kurang g2 la haha)
Dah on Cik.Suer tag Mr.J la... hehe...
ok² meh kita jawab soalan yang diberi nie ^_^
ok² meh kita jawab soalan yang diberi nie :)
Rules :

1.You must post these rules.
2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
6.No tag back!
7.No stuff in the tagging section about " YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.

11 Thing About Mr.J :
Mohd Junaidy Bin Jumahat
Birthday :04/04/1990
Federal territory of Labuan (W.P.Labuan)
Diploma in Electrical Engineering with Honors
Still unemployed
Computer Crazy
Online Addicted
Novel Reader
Love Drama & Action Movie
Love to play Game
But Love more to My Sweetheart

11 Question From Cik Suer :

>> Favorite Color ??
Red of course

>> Apa Yang Anda Lakukan Bila Boring ??
Main game , Tido, Watch TV and on9

>> Ada Kekasih Tak ?? Sape ??
Ada. ^^ Suriani Binti Rusly, Love you..

>> Apa Pendapat Korang Tentang Orang Yang Talam Bermuka² ??
emm... kin panas, tapi tak boleh buat apa² kan.. e² tabiat buruk dorang kita nie pun tak semestinya baik sangat kan².. ^^

>> Genre Music & Movie Kesukaan Anda ??
Slow Rock & Action

>> Anda Addicted Game Tak ?? Game Apa ??
Ya, Game HS5 bagi on9 game la ^^ kalo offline nyk sngt :p

>> Anda Minat Cartoon Apa?
Of course la son go ku ( Dragon Ball ) hehe...

>> Bila Korang Start Buat Belog ??
Start bila my lover maw bantu buat belog nie ^^ Thank you dear...

>> Siapa Yang Membuatkan Anda Tertarik untuk Menceburi Dunia Blogger ??
Cik.Suer yang buat Mr.J menceburi dunia Blogger nie...

>> Kenapa Anda Membuat Belog ??
Sebab belog nie berguna untuk mendapat ramai kawan (walaupun Mr.J tak ramai kawan blogger hehe ) dan dapat kita dapat berkonsi sesuatu yang tak bisa kita ungkapin ^^

>> Sapa Idola Anda Dalam Dunia Belog ni ??
Belum ada lagi... maaf ya...

11 Question for tagged person
Your full/real name??
How old are you??
Do you enjoy Blogging??
Comedy or Romance??
Music Gender??
What's your dream??
How do you spend your free time??
Do you have boyfriends/girlfriends??
How do you meet him/her??
Last romantic thing someone do for you??
Stupidest thing you've done to get attention of someone you're attracted to??

11 person that tagged
Naaaa...... Mr.J gonna Break the Rules... huhu
anyone who wanna answer this Question are allowed
this is b'cos Mr.J dont have enought buddy, so......
and appreciated it Thank You so much... :)

..The End..


Mr.Jun / Mr.J said...

Huh dah banyak kali edit nie tulisan nk bg bewarna pon xdapat haits.... dah 2/3 kali edit malas la huhuhu...

masih noob lg dalam blogger nie... sila beri tunjuk ajar yew... huhu

✿Cik Suer✿ said...

waaa da jaawwap.. thanks syg coz sudi jawap ya..

pelan2 ba syg.. nti pndai gak k.. Mmy nak jawap nti question dear.. blh ba kan.. hehehee.. Always love u syg ♥♥♥